JANUARY 22, 2025
Welcome to WCOnline, the scheduling system for the Waynesburg University Writing Center and Peer Tutoring Services!
Before logging in, carefully read the following descriptions to determine which schedule you should select:
- Undergraduate Writing Center: The Undergraduate Writing Center is now open for the spring semester! Select the schedule "WC (Term) (Year)" to make an appointment. Contact Sarah Scott, Undergraduate Writing Center Administrator, with questions about the Undergraduate Writing Center at sscott@waynesburg.edu.
- Undergraduate Peer Tutoring: Select the schedule "UG Peer Tutoring (Term) (Year)." Once there, choose the course for which you are seeking tutoring from the drop-down menu. You will then see available tutors and corresponding schedules for you to book your appointment. Contact Jaime Stanny Emerson, Peer Tutor Coordinator, with tutoring service questions at jaime.stanny@waynesburg.edu.
- Graduate and Professional Studies Writing Center (WC E-tutoring): This schedule is for students enrolled in a graduate, RN to BSN, online degree completion, or professional studies program. All appointments are asynchronous, and the center is open for appointments year-round. Contact Kari Hanlin, Graduate Writing Center Administrator, with questions about the Graduate Writing Center at kari.hanlin@waynesburg.edu.
The Writing Centers cannot guarantee timely return of feedback if appointments are made on the incorrect schedules!
Welcome to WCONLINE! To get started, register for an account by clicking the link to the left.